Cardinal Francis Arinze Q&A Part 2 Part 2 of the September Q&A with Cardinal Arinze in Familyland, Bloomingdale, Ohio. Ok, do we dance in Church or not? It's not the first time the Cardinal was asked …More
Cardinal Francis Arinze Q&A Part 2

Part 2 of the September Q&A with Cardinal Arinze in Familyland, Bloomingdale, Ohio. Ok, do we dance in Church or not? It's not the first time the Cardinal was asked this question. But now you can watch a video reply. Get ready for more very soon.

Yeah I love when he told the people who mess with the mass in Europe and America to "pray the rosary instead": good advice too. Europe and America need the rosary more than ever and they certainly don't need liturgical dance!
Your Eminence, thank you for these clear words!