Great generals never fight their opponents by the opponents rules.

Why should the Church fight her enemies by the rules setup by her enemies?

In the fight against the culture of death we have been losing state after state because we do not use the weapons GOD has given us and instead rely on the ones that have been proven to not work.

Instead lets fight abortion euthanasia, human trafficking, and all forms of murder for profit by using spiritual tools!

When is the last time your priest urged praying daily rosaries, rang the church bells for the Angelus all three times daily (6am, noon, 6pm) and explained why, held weekly hours of reperation, provided outreach to any lady or child who finds herself pregnant without support, or is trying to escape from her abusers.

Has your bishop done the appropriate prayers to rid a place of abortion of the demons that attach themselves to such places?, it is not superstition to combat evil.

As a church we need to realize that this is a crusade, and we are not going to win it if we worry about our tax exemptions, and indeed it is past time to rid ourselves of that legal shackle that is used by the church to explain our inaction.

At the time of judgement GOD will not examine our accounting of our finances but the state of our souls. Remember we have all sinned in our thoughts, in our deeds, in what we have done and what we have failed to do.