Burke:"Teachers Must Oppose Curricula That Teach Gay Marriage to Children"

(CNSNews.com) – Parents and teachers must do all they can to respect the innocence of children, shielding them from such things as pornography, as well as opposing any curricula that would teach 5-year-olds that marriage is anything other than a lifelong union between one man and one woman, said Cardinal Raymond Burke, head of the highest court at the Vatican.
The cardinal also said that secularists want to “win children and youth” to their way of thinking through education that usurps the duty of parents to teach young people what is “true, good and beautiful.”
Cardinal Burke made his remarks in an interview in the Polish magazine Polonia Christina, which was republished exclusively in English at LifeSite News on Mar. 20. Reporter Izabella Parowicz spoke with the cardinal, the former archbishop of St. Louis, about children exposed to “compulsory sex education classes” and asked, “Why is innocence downplayed nowadays?”
- See more at: www.lifesitenews.com/…/english-exclusi…
la verdad prevalece
Bravo 👏
St. Joseph Pray For Us
It's refreshing to hear clear Catholic teaching. That's all I ask, Bishops to be Bishops, clear, concise and faithful. Hallelujah