Edwin F Young
ULCUV85LQSRG35Y6 Music License Moments Forgotten Road ULCUV85LQSRG35Y6 PROVEN FAKE LETTER Written by Lucy II, the Imposter and Identity Thief of Fatima. Coimbra, Dec. 27, 1969. Dear Alcino Pax Christi …More
ULCUV85LQSRG35Y6 Music License Moments Forgotten Road ULCUV85LQSRG35Y6

PROVEN FAKE LETTER Written by Lucy II, the Imposter and Identity Thief of Fatima. Coimbra, Dec. 27, 1969.

Dear Alcino Pax Christi Thank you very much for the gift you sent the community. As well as myself they thank you for it. We ask the Child Jesus to Compensate you with a Holy and Happy New Year of 1970. That it may be to you a year of Grace, An increase of firm Faith in God and His Church, in His representatives That remain united to the Supreme Chief that is Pope Paul VI. There is no other that is true or chosen by God to be the Head of his Mystic Body on earth. He is the guide of His People. People of God, which forms the militant Church, of which we have the luck of being members; we need to remain faithful need to remain faithful, firm in Faith, Hope and Charity, united to his representatives of Christ on earth, following his doctrines his teachings, His directorates- “if somebody tells you differ: don’t believe him, because he is in error”; those are the ones our Lord speaks of in His Gospel: “The branches which, separated from the vine, wither, dry up and are only good to be thrown into the fire to burn.” We remain united to the grape-vine, in order that the divine sap may run into our souls and save us… Thankful and dedicated in union of prayers, Sister Lucia BASIS OF OPINION.-Bart Bagget The basis for handwriting identification is that writing habits are not instinctive or hereditary but are complex processes that are developed gradually through habit and that handwriting is unique to each individual. Further, the basic axiom is that no one person writes exactly the same way twice and no two people write exactly the same. Thus, writing habits or individual characteristics distinguish one person’s handwriting from another. A process of analysis, comparison and evaluation is conducted between the known standards and questioned document(s). Overall class characteristics from native Portuguese writers of the time period were also a consideration. The conclusions of the expert opinions are derived from the ASTM Standard Terminology for Expressing Conclusions for Forensic Document Examiners Go to our websites to find out more about the Fatima Investigation. sisterlucytruth.org sisterlucyfilm.com