How do you join Opus Dei? opusdeienglish Aug 13, 2010 Fr. Michael Barrett, a priest of Opus Dei, explains how someone becomes a member of Opus Dei.More
How do you join Opus Dei?

opusdeienglish Aug 13, 2010 Fr. Michael Barrett, a priest of Opus Dei, explains how someone becomes a member of Opus Dei.
One is yet unconvinced about the Opus Dei. That their ministry is quite unique is not disputed, rather, their activity in the Diocese. Oft times the Opus Dei here are at loggerheads with the Bishop on Liturgy and pastoral ministry - being "too Roman" and all that (not a bad thing!). But the question about who do they answer to is quite unanswered in many a Diocese! ☕
Fr. Michael Barrett, a priest of Opus Dei, explains how someone becomes a member of Opus Dei.