Has the normalizing of pedophilia begun?

Has the normalizing of pedophilia begun?

Do people who rape children, or fantasize about sexually abusing them, deserve sympathy – because they were born with the brains of pedophiles?

That’s the question a prominent scientist and a well-known anchor at CNN have asked in the wake of the recent Jerry Sandusky scandal.

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CNN recently featured a story by James Cantor, a homosexual psychologist and scientist at the Sexual Behaviors Clinic of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health who serves as associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

“It appears that one can be born with a brain predisposed to experience sexual arousal in response to children,” he wrote in his CNN piece.

Meanwhile, some experts warn of a highly controversial campaign in recent years that seeks to sympathize with – and even normalize – pedophilia.

Just last year, Dr. Judith Reisman, the principal expert investigator for a U.S. Justice Department study on child sex abuse, said pedophilia advocates are using the same strategy that was successfully employed to make homosexuality a classroom subject for small children in the nation’s public schools.

There is nothing new under the sun. In the mid-20th century, the publishing industry was panicked by first the popularity and rapidity of radio, then film, then television. In response they needed to break new ground and create products that would motivate consumers to go to buy books instead of watching free television at home.
Publishers found a bonanza starting with the disgusting work and …More
There is nothing new under the sun. In the mid-20th century, the publishing industry was panicked by first the popularity and rapidity of radio, then film, then television. In response they needed to break new ground and create products that would motivate consumers to go to buy books instead of watching free television at home.

Publishers found a bonanza starting with the disgusting work and career of one Albert Kinsey a "researcher" shunned by his colleagues for the statistical shoddiness of his questionable "research." Kinsey asked death-row inmates in prisons full of the most heinous of convicted sex criminals what their "sexual preferences" were. He wrote these up in a book labelled as research on Americans, and presented the premise that if you weren't interested in these practices, your desires were somehow dishonest because they didn't include the lurid "clinical" descriptions in the book.

Kinsey kept close with NAZI pedophile rings, too. But the media of the day seems to have taken a "don't ask, don't tell" approach. Nobody likes to see their hero publicly soiled.

None of this could be done in the mediums of film and television of course, because the Catholic Church still had a strong, even if increasingly marginalized, hand in influencing productions away from the objectively and even subjectively, or even near occasions of sin, immoral. With books, no such limitations.

Judith Gelernter Reisman, Ph.D. has researched and written extensively to cut through the persistently believed lie that Kinsey was some sort of misunderstood freedom fighter in the "sane" cuturkampf against the Catholic Church's "restrictive" attitudes and "demands" against "healthy" human sexuality.

The fact is that from the beginning, the Consensus Content Kings, banded together for all their own best interests when they discovered how many books they could sell containing sexual perversions to a public that had decided the Church (in particular the Catholic Church) had no sensible advice on the subject.

Owing again, to a collective form of ecclesial angelism, as identified by Fr. Robert Barron in his talk "The YouTube Heresies" (q.v.) a chain of non-sequiturs ('Kinsey perversions popular, priests celibate, therefore Catholic Church's wisdom about nature of sin absurd') became "just common sense" and everyone suddenly knew "the truth" that the Catholic Church was too (_fill in synonym for prudish_) to "accept" or "support."

But you know, growing up in that pointless soup of mid-20th century self-absorption we now call "the sixties" and the even worse "seventies" I can recall every time I came into contact with a justification for this bastardized ethos of pleasure, especially when it was expressed by someone significantly older, there was a guilt, a loss, a realization of wrong. An emotional commonality I can recall across many people without remembering who they were.

In a last, sort of, gasp at trying to give the culture of death's ultimate material proof of its triumphant wisdom about making the fevered preferences of death row sex crime convicts into "the new normal" Hollywood's multi-million dollar secular canonization of Kinsey was pretty much a flop with only a $17 million worldwide box office gross. In Hollywood, they call that "chump change."

Of course they nominated it for an Oscar, but that didn't work out. It was certainly no "The Passion of the Christ," another 2004 film about a certain lone real-life figure, attacked by the establishment of his day for swimming upstream against popular tides, that worked out rather better both as a film. We shall all see about how it worked out for Kinsey in real life much later, of course.

The one positively demonic thing that has always struck me as radically indicative of the media's ground-floor complicity with Kinsey from before he even "broke" as a publishing superstar, was how Kinsey obtained the data in the infamous "table 34."

It seems that at no time in Kinsey's entire career did any member of "the press" inquire as to how Kinsey collected this demonic "data." They were content to let that one ride, it seems.

Come to think of it, I've never heard "the press" ask the first black U.S. president why the most dangerous place in the universe for a black unborn human is the inside of the mother's womb, either. Lots of "professional" practice ignoring that sort of question, I guess.

Of course, the premise of this article's headline question seems to me rather naive.
Ben Martin
When the Gold Rust, What will the Iron Do??
Monday, July 2, 2012
Cardinal Levada Set to Retire With Longtime Intimate and San Francisco Colleague

Edit: many elderly retirees think of spending their golden years with a loved one. Now that Cardinal Levada, a controversial figure in San Francisco , is about to retire, there's a relaxed feel about the …More

When the Gold Rust, What will the Iron Do??

Monday, July 2, 2012
Cardinal Levada Set to Retire With Longtime Intimate and San Francisco Colleague

Edit: many elderly retirees think of spending their golden years with a loved one. Now that Cardinal Levada, a controversial figure in San Francisco , is about to retire, there's a relaxed feel about the prelate. Perhaps it can be said that the present appointment of a neo-Pelagian Bishop to CDF from schismatic Germany , at least, is a zero sum game?

On the other hand, it's interesting, if not encouraging, to note where the outgoing prelate will be spending at least some of his time as he retires, and with whom. Whispers in the Loggia has noted that the Prince of the Church will share a house in Long Beech. The quote from Robert Brown which +Levada read at his brother prelate's golden jubilee was particularly touching.

Speaking of retirement, while the new prefect-emeritus has long been understood as keen to return to the West Coast, Levada will remain a member of several key Curial offices until his 80th birthday in June 2016.[Ugh]
For many years, the cardinal has owned a condo in his hometown of Long Beach , sharing the getaway with his closest friend of nearly 60 years and successor in San Francisco , Archbishop George Niederauer, whose own transition from office is likewise expected in short order.
Referring to the nearing end of their ministries in his homily at the San Fran Mass marking Niederauer's golden jubilee of priesthood in late April, Levada quoted the poet Robert Browning: "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'"
Having ordained this year's class of priests and transitional deacons just yesterday in his now-former charge, the incoming prefect will take up residence in Rome in time for the Curia's mid-September return from the traditional summer recess. Müller was scheduled to hold a press conference on his appointment as the announcement was made in Rome .

Comments by Laura Yantos:

Exposure & Acceptance - the Building Tools for the New Sodom and Gomorrah

It's endemic, across the board, and a huge problem. The hush-hush solution that was once vital to their continued existence is no more. Despite the Churches efforts to keep it all quiet, in an unprecedented way, the media is exposing them. The Media, who themselves encourage this conduct, is exposing the problem in all of the Churches, and less often in the synagogue, the University of Perversion . Why? Under normal circumstances, if the problem is exposed, a healthy people will simply not go there anymore. How can they? They will be knowingly sending their children into a life of perversion.

But there is something else at work while this exposure is taking place. The public is being encouraged to accept the conduct - to like it. A priest sodomizes a child, and the child is introduced into the life of perversion, a perversion which is now being actively encouraged by the government, by the media, by the public, and by the silence of the Church, the very seed ground, the very place where the change agents reside. Today, there are not only constitutional protections for perverts, but a media which encourages perversion, a public who is learning to accept it, and a government which actually rewards it. The Church is at best relegated to a guilty silence, but maybe not even silence anymore. It has been published in the media that Cardinal Levada is retiring with another priest to whom he has published a Robert Browning love poem about their future life together. (SEE Above]

Exposure and acceptance are occurring simultaneously and converging. All is synchronized for the building of the new Sodom and Gomorrah
Sure, lets say their born predisposed to pedophilia (I don't buy it!), but if they want to believe this then so be it. But just because their born thinking this way doesn't give them the right to carry it out!!! If I walked in on a adult molesting a child I would kill that person! My argument would be in court that I was born predisposed in thinking that I should kill pedophiles when caught. 🧐
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
This is truly the end of civilization. We knew it was coming when the completely corrupt would start trying to justify child molesters as "just born that way."
I have to wonder how much longer God will hold back from bringing judgment on America.
Let me just say, there is nothing too swift or too terrible that could happen to anyone who would hurt my grandchildren. (And that's as …More
Comments from FR:

This is truly the end of civilization. We knew it was coming when the completely corrupt would start trying to justify child molesters as "just born that way."

I have to wonder how much longer God will hold back from bringing judgment on America.

Let me just say, there is nothing too swift or too terrible that could happen to anyone who would hurt my grandchildren. (And that's as polite as I can put it.)

Knew this was coming. Polygamy is also on the agenda. Anything to destroy the family. Break down America at the smallest unit and the whole country will topple.

The entire Homosexual rights issue has ALWAYS been about attempting to secure the right to have sex with children.

Many of us who have been around the homosexual community(Hint: they are heavily employed in the restaurant industry,a past career of mine), have heard their stories on ‘conversion’ repeatedly. Many homo’s are either heavily recruited in their YOUNG teens by so called respectable community members(academia etc), or just raped. I have heard numerous stories.

If pedophilia were to follow the trajectory of homosexuality, it would begin with:
1. born that way
2. hence, sympathy
3. leading to tolerance
4. leading to special rights and protections
5. leading to “pride” and celebration and embracing and normalizing

I have sympathy with those who, through no fault of their own, have paedophilic thoughts. But the key here is whether they act on them or not. If they do act upon them, they need to be punished. For the others, they should be offered help, and if they come forward volountarily, they fully deserve that help, rather than punitive action.

However, there is a world of difference between sympathy for someone cursed with an affliction and coming round to accepting that affliction as normal and even embraced on the grounds of diversity, as was the case with homosexuality and transexualism...