I Challenge Thee, Mr. Voris - A Challenge to Micheal Voris, Fr. Paul Nicholson and CMTV. In light of the continued calumnies of Michael Voris and Fr. Paul Nicholson (otherwise known as Mr. Carroll’s …More
I Challenge Thee, Mr. Voris - A Challenge to Micheal Voris, Fr. Paul Nicholson and CMTV.

In light of the continued calumnies of Michael Voris and Fr. Paul Nicholson (otherwise known as Mr. Carroll’s Merry Band of Pusillanimous Puppets), I offer here the following video from several months back. It tells you all you need to know about their character.

Look, if there’s any sure sign that one is a false prophet who is laboring for something other than the propagation of truth, it is when that individual steadfastly refuses to directly engage the very people who’s alleged positions they attack. That describes the cowards mentioned above perfectly. At least as of this writing…

So at this, please allow me add this public challenge to the mix yet again:

Michael Voris (prior to his not-so-mysterious about face) had me on air a number of times as what he called “an expert” on Vatican II. (I make no such claim.) Since unwillingness to “accept” Vatican II is central to so much of his case against so-called “traditionalists,” I will gladly pay my way to that infamous warehouse in Ferndale to go on live air with Michael once again, this time to discuss why no Catholic in their right mind should accept Vatican II whole and entire as the price for so-called “full communion.”

If, indeed, Michael is up to the challenge, who here would like to see that program?

Just wondering…
Joao Machado
Louie, if you are ever on the West Coast of Missouri, call me, I will buy you a beer! Fr. Paul and CMTV I think are actually tied somehow... At any rate, The actions and comments of CMTV, which I used to respect, seem to point to Michael Voris being a Catholic shill...just saying!
Thank you, Comedy Central: 😀 😀 😀 . You are unbeatable!