
Imprinting of the Holy Stigmata on the Body of St. Francis of Assisi

Tomorrow, Sept. 17 is the day our Seraphic Father, Saint Francis, received the Stigmata. The Latin Calender celebrates it as the Imprinting of the Holy Stigmata on the Body of St. Francis of Assisi. Here are some words from the Omnibus of Sources, Volume II, Legend of the Three Companions, Chapter XVII:

One morning two years before his death, about the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, while he was praying on the side of a mountain named La Verna, there appeared to him a seraph in the beautiful figure of a crucified man, having his hands and feet extended as though on a cross, and clearly showing the face of Jesus Christ. Two wings met above his head, two covered the rest of his body to the feet, and two were spread as in flight.
When the vision passed, the soul of Francis was afire with love; and on his body there appeared the wonderful impression of the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Francis did all in his power to hide these wounds, not wishing that God's gift should be seen by men; but he could not hide this gift entirely, and it became known to his intimate companions.
After his death, however, all the brothers who were present saw clearly that his body bore the wounds of Christ in hands and feet. In those wounds there appeared to be nails, but these were formed by Francis' own flesh which had taken on the shape and color of iron nails. The right side over the ribs looked as though it had been pierced by a lance with a plain and obvious wound, covered with a red scar with crimson edges, and during blessed Frances' lifetime blood often flowed from this wound.
The undeniable truth of these wounds was apparent during blessed Francis' life, and when he died they could be clearly seen and touched. After his death the Lord made the truth of them still more manifest through miracles which occurred in different parts of the world. These miracles touched the hearts of many persons who had not rightly judged and appreciated the servant of God during his lift time, and had doubted about the stigmata. Their doubt was changed into such faith and certainty that many who had formerly decried the servant of God were moved through the Lord to accept the truth and they became fervent in praising him and in spreading his fame and teaching.

Brothers and Sisters, let us quietly and humbly remember Francis in the example he gave of a life dedicated entirely to our Lord Jesus Christ, his love of Mary our Mother, and his love of the Church.
A Faithful servant of God's One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, has sent me this, and I in turn share it here.