Quo Primum
Revolution complete. Third Order talk Phoenix September 16, 2017. Intro 10 minutes. Abp Lefebvre at 10 minutes ff. On Christ, the Church and the Mass. Revolution begins after 28 minutes. onepeterfive.com …More
Revolution complete.

Third Order talk Phoenix September 16, 2017.

Intro 10 minutes.
Abp Lefebvre at 10 minutes ff.
On Christ, the Church and the Mass.
Revolution begins after 28 minutes.


Prayer for the Stigmata of St Francis September 17th

Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who, when the love of many was waxing cold, didst manifest once more the holy marks of thine own Suffering in the flesh of thy most blessed servant Francis, to the end that our hearts might kindle again with the fire of the love of thyself, be Thou entreated for thy servant's sake, and grant to his and our prayers that we may effectually carry thy Cross and bring forth fruits meet for repentance.