Entry of the Blessed into the Kingdom) Detail from The Last Judgment. Detail from The Last Judgment (the entry of the Blessed into the Kingdom) by Hans Memling, 1471_________________________________…More
Entry of the Blessed into the Kingdom) Detail from The Last Judgment.

Detail from The Last Judgment (the entry of the Blessed into the
Kingdom) by Hans Memling, 1471________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail from The Last Judgment (the entry of the Blessed into the
Kingdom) by Hans Memling, 1471
O sweet Jesus, detach us every year more and more from this world, whose fashion passeth away, with its vain toils, its false glories, and its lying pleasures. it was Thine own foretelling, that, as in the days of Noe and Sodom, men will go on with their feasting, and business, and amusements, without giving any more thought to Thy approaching coming than their forefathers heeded the threat of the Deluge, of the fire, which came upon them and destroyed them. Let these men go on with their merry-making, and their sending gifts one to the other, as Thine Apocalypse expresses it, because, so they will have it, Christ and His Church are then to be worn-out ideas! Whilst they are tyrannizing over Thy holy city in a thousand varied ways, and persecuting her as no past period had ever done, they little think that all this is an announcement of the eternal nuptials, which are nigh at hand. All these trails are the fresh jewels, which the bride is to have given her before her beauty is complete; and the blood of her last martyrs is to incarnadine her already splendid robes with all the richness of royal crimson. As for us, we lend an ear to the echoes of our home above; and, from the throne of our God, we hear going forth the voice heard by Thy beloved prophet of Patmos: "Give praise unto our God, all ye His servants, and ye that fear Him, little and great! Alleluia! For the Lord our God the almighty hath reigned! Let us be glad and rejoice, and give glory unto Him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath prepared herself!" Yet a little while, till the number of the our brethren be made up; and the, with the Spirit and bride, we will say to Thee, in all the ardour of our souls that have long thirsted after Thee: "Come, Lord Jesus! Come, and perfect us in love, by eternal union, unto the glory of the Father, and of Thyself the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever!"