Catholics and the Holocaust

Catholics and the Holocaust

The Holocaust killed 12 million people.

It killed 6 million Jews.

It killed 3 million Catholics.

It killed 3 million Orthodox.

Why do I bring all this up?

Because, some Jewish groups get upset when a Catholic bishop invokes the Holocaust.

It is useful to remember that the Nazis hated the Catholic Poles just as thoroughly, their deaths were planned just as carefully, as those of the European Jews. Auschwitz killed Catholic Poles exclusively for the first 20 months of operation.

I am truly sick and tired of the Anti-Defamation League claiming the Holocaust as a peculiarly anti-Semitic event.

It wasn't.

I'm sorry, my elder brothers in faith, the Holocaust was not all about you. You don't get to define what can and cannot be said about the Holocaust. My brother and sister Catholics were just as thoroughly targeted, went through the same tortures, died the same deaths. Catholics have a right to invoke the Holocaust, the same as you.
