Libor Halik
The Third Secret Foretells “A Pope Under the Control of Satan” "A pope under the control of Satan" is explicitly mentioned in the real Third Secret of Fatima prophecy. This has been leaked by numerous …More
The Third Secret Foretells “A Pope Under the Control of Satan”

"A pope under the control of Satan" is explicitly mentioned in the real Third Secret of Fatima prophecy. This has been leaked by numerous high-ranking Vatican clerics and advisors to Popes. This prophecy has tremendous implications and ramifications which this Third Secret documentary will explore and expound fully: ramifications that does and will affect everyone. To my knowledge, this is the first documentary to explore this line of the prophecy.

What’s in this video:
Suzanne Pearson talks about how the Third Secret details how Satan will gain power in the highest echelons of the Church (01:55). She describes how Cardinal Bea exclaimed (after reading it and discovering the Pope won’t act on it): “We just killed a billion people!” (15:00)

Bishop Williamson about Freemasonry and why many priests join them (5:14). About how Satan will try to own a Pope (13:32).

Fr. Malachi Martin on the enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican and how he knows the Devil wants to possess a Pope (14:03).

Fr. Kramer testifies that Malachi Martin told him that the Third Secret foretells something far worse than an apostate anti-Pope (12:30).

Fr. Gruner gives more details about the coming chastisements (19:20). He explains that if the Secret was released, it “would stop the changes of Vatican II in its tracks: immediately”.

A news clip about the recent lightning strike on the Vatican (23:13).

Fr. Hesse explains that one of the lines of the La Salette prophecies has been censured universally which foretells that in our times there will be “two worm-ridden Popes” (24:06).

Fr. Kramer relates how in the Third Secret, Our Lady speaks badly about several Popes, comparing them to animals: a serpent, a chameleon, etc. (32:20) He talks about how John XXIII and John Paul II had the phrase about the Pope being under the control of Satan translated by multiple experts to verify the phrase foretelling this is translated correctly. It is correct.

Fr. Hesse explains why and how it is possible to have bad Popes even though the doctrine of the indefectibility of the Catholic Church is true (36:54).

The “advisors” around the Popes are discussed (51:49): among other things, Malachi Martin describes how an eyewitness reports that in the entourage surrounding the Pope “the hate [of the Pope] was palpable” (53:38).

Malachi Martin describes how in exorcisms, the demons frequently taunt the exorcists that they are in St. Peter’s and in the Pope’s advisors (59:45).

Fr. Hesse talks about the Freemasonic and KGB agents in the Vatican and Hierarchy (01:01:08, 01:06:04).

Michael Voris and Louis Verrechio talk about the diabolical disorientation of the Hierarchy foretold by Sr. Lucy of Fatima (01:03:55).

Fr. Gruner talks about the scandals of the recent October Synods (01:07:49).

Malachi Martin insights (01:09:22). He explains why the power of the Pope is the #1 fear of the enemies of the Church and their plan on how to seemingly make the power of the papacy go away (01:11:58).

Robert Sungenis talks about how the Popes are the most powerful group of men in the world and how the current world evils are due to their negligence, but also that the world’s total renewal is in their power (01:25:24).

Fr. Kramer discusses about Putin asking Pope Francis about the consecration of Russia in their 2013 meeting (01:29:40).

John Salza talks about the possibility of an anti-Pope scenario and how that might tie in with the supposed vision of the 3rd Secret released by the Vatican (01:33:55).

There are a few of the best clips of Fr. Hesse talking about the modern Popes where he says it “like it is” (01:37:07).

I include the best parts of Louis Verrechio’s recent talk about how Pope Francis is harboring evil intentions and must be opposed (01:39:48).

I provide commentary on who the Pope under the control of Satan could be and I lay out three possibilities (01:46:13).

Malachi Martin talks about the coming material chastisements and how God “is going to step in soon” (01:50:46).

John Vennari discusses the prophecies of Bl. Aiello, particularly concerning Russia and the chastisement of Europe/Rome (01:53:15).

There is a section discussing Apocalypse 18, the fall of Babylon the Great, the Three Days of Darkness, and the coming Catholic worldwide renewal (01:57:28).

There is a clip where Fr. Malachi Martin discusses how Russia and Kiev are part of the final solution to the world problems we are in (02:03:59).

There is a stirring exposition of the large amount of prophecies about the coming Great Catholic Monarch who will restore the world to a Catholic World Order following the impending chastisements (02:06:46).

Fr. Isaac Reylea (son of a spiritual daughter of St. Padre Pio) talks about the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success and the coming angelic Pope (02:20:26).

Please share! Published on Jan 28, 2016 www.youtube.com/watch
Libor Halik
Art Bell: dobře, jdeme na to. Jen pár věcí, které chci, aby se rychle číst, jeden od přítele v Austrálii, Otce, který říká, "jsem měl Jezuitský kněz, řekni mi víc o Třetím Tajemství z Fatimy lety, v Perthu. Mimo jiné prohlásil, že poslední papež bude pod kontrolou Satana. Papež Jan (XXIII.) omdlel, myslel, že by mohl být on. Byli jsme přerušeno, než jsem mohl slyšet zbytek." Žádný komentář …More
Art Bell: dobře, jdeme na to. Jen pár věcí, které chci, aby se rychle číst, jeden od přítele v Austrálii, Otce, který říká, "jsem měl Jezuitský kněz, řekni mi víc o Třetím Tajemství z Fatimy lety, v Perthu. Mimo jiné prohlásil, že poslední papež bude pod kontrolou Satana. Papež Jan (XXIII.) omdlel, myslel, že by mohl být on. Byli jsme přerušeno, než jsem mohl slyšet zbytek." Žádný komentář na to? Fr. Martin: Ano. To zní, jako kdyby četli, nebo jim byl řečen text Třetího Tajemství. Art Bell: Oh my!
Art Bell: All right, here we go. Just a couple of things I want to quickly read, one from a friend in Australia, Father who says, “I had a Jesuit priest tell me more of the Third Secret of Fatima years ago, in Perth. He said among other things, the last pope would be under control of Satan. Pope John fainted, thinking it might be him. We were interrupted before I could hear the rest.” Any comment on that?
Fr. Martin: Yes. It sounds as if they were reading or being told the text of the Third Secret.
Art Bell: Oh my!

July 13th 1998
ART BELL MALACHI MARTIN – transcript Original Malachi Martin Interview on Third secret of Fatima (about last Pope) mp3