French actor Mehdi-Emmanuel Djaadi is a convert to Catholicism from Islam. “We Catholics have to be better, more fervent, more aware of our faith and the Christian roots of our country. I learned to …More
French actor Mehdi-Emmanuel Djaadi is a convert to Catholicism from Islam. “We Catholics have to be better, more fervent, more aware of our faith and the Christian roots of our country. I learned to love France by walking through it, seeing its great monuments, its churches and monasteries that are in every corner of our country,” he told Omnus magazine in an interview
All those monuments, monasteries, and churches were built by the Catholic Church and he just converted to Protestantism. He was fooled, as were we all, once.
@spinmeister I’m sorry, but did I miss something? The article states expressly that “French actor Mehdi-Emmanuel Djaadi is a convert to Catholicism from Islam” and then actually QUOTES him directly saying “We Catholics have to be better, more fervent, more aware of our faith and the Christian roots of our country” establishing explicitly and giving full, unambiguous proof of his self proclaimed …More
@spinmeister I’m sorry, but did I miss something? The article states expressly that “French actor Mehdi-Emmanuel Djaadi is a convert to Catholicism from Islam” and then actually QUOTES him directly saying “We Catholics have to be better, more fervent, more aware of our faith and the Christian roots of our country” establishing explicitly and giving full, unambiguous proof of his self proclaimed, self affirmed embrace of the Catholic Faith as a convert. Soooooo…..I guess I’m just not sure how or why you can legitimately or even rationally claim “he was converted to Protestantism” and further, that “he was fooled” into doing so, in light of the information graciously provided to us in the post. Did you read the article attendant to this post? Or are you responding to another media source? It certainly seems as if your moniker “spinmeister” is very well suited.
Yes, you missed the fact that the Catholic Church was subverted and reformed into a Protestant Church after Vatican II. The Pope claims that the Novus Ordo reflects the theology of the Vatican II Church and he will permit no other. The Novus Ordo was created based on Cranmer's Protestant worship service, which removed the element of sacrifice for sins, and turned the mass into a celebratory meal. …More
Yes, you missed the fact that the Catholic Church was subverted and reformed into a Protestant Church after Vatican II. The Pope claims that the Novus Ordo reflects the theology of the Vatican II Church and he will permit no other. The Novus Ordo was created based on Cranmer's Protestant worship service, which removed the element of sacrifice for sins, and turned the mass into a celebratory meal. The Novus Ordo's purpose was to remove any element of the Catholic faith which Protestants objected to. Since it has been very clearly enunciated by the Pope that this N.O. mass alone is a true revelation of the theology of the church over which he presides, and since it was fundamentally changed from the theology of the true Catholic Faith, obviously he did not join the Church which created all of the beautiful reflections of Catholicism which he saw in France. He joined an imposter conciliar sect created by Paul VI after Vatican II. Bergolio just stated last week that the liturgy must reformed so the church can be reformed.
@spinmeister Oh…I get it now. You’re a sedevacantist. That’s what I missed. Nonetheless, I’ll remember you in my prayers, because in spite of the poison you both swallow and spew, Christ’s Church is invincible and indefectible. The Spouse of Christ cannot EVER be “subverted” (to use your words). I’m sorry you don’t believe Him when He promises “the gates of hell shall NOT.” But God, Who is …More
@spinmeister Oh…I get it now. You’re a sedevacantist. That’s what I missed. Nonetheless, I’ll remember you in my prayers, because in spite of the poison you both swallow and spew, Christ’s Church is invincible and indefectible. The Spouse of Christ cannot EVER be “subverted” (to use your words). I’m sorry you don’t believe Him when He promises “the gates of hell shall NOT.” But God, Who is TRUTH, cannot lie. Thus, in charity, you will have my pity and my prayers.
Yes, Christ's Church will prevail, but it is not the sect currently occupying the Vatican and spewing error like from a fire hose. Wherever people hold to the True Faith as it existed prior to Vatican II, no matter how small a remnant, that is the True Church.
Great face.