International Debate on Darwin's theory of Evolution. The Vatican Press Office has announced an upcoming International Congress on Biological Evolution, Facts and Theories; it will take place in Rome …More
International Debate on Darwin's theory of Evolution.

The Vatican Press Office has announced an upcoming International Congress on Biological Evolution, Facts and Theories; it will take place in Rome under the title "A Critical Appraisal after 150 years of Darwin's 'Origin of the Species'".

The event is scheduled from March 3rd to the 7th, 2009 and is being jointly organised by the Pontifical Gregorian University and the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Among the issues to be discussed is the relationship between faith and science, the insufficiencies of neo-Darwinist theory, and the possibility of simultaneously believing in both the Catholic faith and in the theory of the evolution of the species.

The congress will host non-Catholic scientists and is sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Culture as part of the STOQ Project (Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest).

"The idea is to raise an extensive rational debate and to motivate a fruitful dialogue between scholars of different fields and areas; the Church is very interested in this dialogue."

The Church's great interest in this debate was remarked upon at the press conference held at the Holy See.

"The motivation for our congress is above all to understand what this quest consists of; and here we face a paradigm because it seems clear to us that the theory of evolution is itself a theory in evolution."

"Starting from one's own area, each scholar will freely present his or her official point of view, which in turn will be contrasted with the opinions of the other scholars and no one will claim any form of scientific orthodoxy or of any other type."