EWTN News Nightly - 2015/04/14 Republicans and Democrats agree to give Congress a say in the Iran nuclear deal – Susanne LaFrankie reports from Capitol Hill and @Foreign Policy Initiative’s Tzvi Kahn …More
EWTN News Nightly - 2015/04/14

Republicans and Democrats agree to give Congress a say in the Iran nuclear deal – Susanne LaFrankie reports from Capitol Hill and @Foreign Policy Initiative’s Tzvi Kahn gives analysis on the compromise. One year after Boko Haram kidnapped hundreds of Nigerian school girls – Jason Calvi meets with one of the girls who escaped the terror. Wyatt Goolsby joins us from Catholic University of America’s campus with a look at a new exhibit celebrating Archbishop Fulton Sheen. An 11-year-old boy gets his wish to be a “priest for a day” – Catherine Szeltner speaks with the young boy with inoperable brain cancer. And Jem Sullivan, author of The Beauty of Faith, highlights pieces of Easter-related art.