
A Brief Intro to Q (wake up to the Truth)

Praying Medic (Dave Hayes) - July 09, 2021

I've followed Q since December of 2017, but many of you have not. Interest in Q seems to grow with every foolish scheme unveiled by those in power.

You may have heard about Q from a friend, a political commentator, or a mainstream news outlet. While these people may have some knowledge of Q, many commentators have not read Q's posts.

What I present in my articles, videos and books is an analysis of Q's messages from an objective point of view. I've spent more than 5,000 hours in the last 4 years reading every Q post, following the links he provides and combing through thousands of related documents. While I don't claim to be the foremost expert on Q, I have more knowledge of the subject than most people.

Q is an anonymous person or group (we don't know with certainty) who first posted on the 4chan board /pol/ in October of 2017. For various reasons, Q has moved from one internet message board to another during that time and last posted on 8kun in December of 2020. There are currently more than 4,900 posts by Q. They can be found on a number of websites including qanon.pub.

Outside of a handful of people, no one knows who Q is.

Q has never communicated with anyone outside of the boards on which he posts. One reason why I'm critical of so-called "intelligence insiders" is that many of them claim to have spoken with Q or people in touch with Q. Such claims are lies.

Thousands of people have tried to describe Q and many assertions have been made about the intent of his messages. When you strip away the rhetoric, Q is a teacher. His goal is to teach average people how to uncover information for themselves and help them paint a more accurate picture of events that transpire on the world stage.

When anons aren't connecting the dots properly, Q will challenge them to think differently.

When they make a breakthrough, Q applauds their progress.

The best way to understand Q's message is to read the posts. In 2017, that was easy to do because there were only a few hundred messages. That task is a bit more daunting today. My books Calm Before the Storm and Great Awakening examine select posts and topics Q has discussed. The books follow the posts in chronological order beginning in 2017. (Two more volumes in this series are in the works)

I'll provide more information about Q's posts in future messages.

Source: telegra.ph/A-Brief-Intro-to-Q-07-09