Real World Data reveals Dangerous Directive of Vaccine Mandates. This blows mandates apart and shows they create liability by increasing risks for all that come into places insisting on mandates; given …More
Real World Data reveals Dangerous Directive of Vaccine Mandates.

This blows mandates apart and shows they create liability by increasing risks for all that come into places insisting on mandates; given the now demonstrable addition of risk to employees and patrons of catching Covid19 BECAUSE of the Vaccinated
Here is a link to a short presentation with LINKS to all Data
Here is a link to exactly how the Vaccine Effcicay is Calculated by Pfizer and in this Video for the UK data that is over 2000 times bigger in case numbers and 100% more relevent in terms of the Covid19 Strain.
And here is a link to the Pfizer Study used to justify the roll out of its Clinical Trial Vaccine accross all ages and all levels of health independent of the risk factor for the individual and independant of the massive number of reported short term adverse effects and completely unkonw medium and long term affects.
UK real world case data set is for the relevant strain if Covid19; whereas the Pfizer study is now obsolete as it was for Alpha Variant
Negative efficacy MEANS
If you are in an age group with Negative Vaccine Efficacy you are at more RISK of being infected by Covid19 (Current Strain)
t means if you patronise a restaurant who's staff and its guests are all under a mandated vaccination policy that environment is more likely to contain covid19 infected people than a population allowed to make their own choice on whether to take the vaccine
Alex A shares this
Covid 19 Vaccines
Jeffrey Ade
Just read an interesting article and all I have is this to add..
Covid 19 Vaccines
Roberto 55
Jabs against covid19 are very effective to kill or make people sick.