Nigeria: Radical Islam and a search for dialogue. Where God Weeps Episode #56 Nigeria: Radical Islam and a search for dialogue Guest:Archbishop Ignatitius A. Kaigama, Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria Moderator …More
Nigeria: Radical Islam and a search for dialogue.

Where God Weeps Episode #56 Nigeria: Radical Islam and a search for dialogue

Guest:Archbishop Ignatitius A. Kaigama, Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria
Moderator: Mark Riedemann
Production Date: 2006
Duration: 28'29''
Copyright: CRTN

In light of the rapid growth of Islam in northern Nigeria, Many Christians have already packed their belongings and have left for the south. Host Mark Riedemann interviews Archbishop Ignatitius A. Kaigama, the Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria about the growth of radical Islam and the challenge facing the Church in this regard.
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✍️ Both God and me weep over this. We must pray for our Muslim bros. and pray a lot. What a wonderful Bishop, gentle and wise and full of courage. Here in Ireland we have a special love for Nigeria. Our Bishop Joseph Shannahan went there and did wonderful work and was very well loved in Nigeria, in fact he is probably a saint. God bless Africa and especially Nigeria. - Rene