Ludovic Denim
"A sudden destruction" 1 Thessalonians 5 It has been prophesied by Saint Paul... One can understand how Bretton Woods allowed first the dollar to replace gold in the world economy. Then, Nixon suppressed …More
"A sudden destruction" 1 Thessalonians 5

It has been prophesied by Saint Paul...

One can understand how Bretton Woods allowed first the dollar to replace gold in the world economy. Then, Nixon suppressed the "gold standard exchange" in order to avoid the bankruptcy of the USA and it allowed the revolution in the Catholic Church to be continued still today. Through this debt and the paper-money, the faithful Catholics have not realized for most of them that they were being deprived of their faith...

One can look also at this issue of Fatima Crusader, page 25 "70 Years of FALSE PEACE Ending Soon!" : archive.fatima.org/crusader/cr109/cr109.pdf%20Years

August 15 is the Feast Day of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary...
Ludovic Denim
@DrBobus : leaving the gold standard was a very intelligent artifact done at a moment where the revolution was happening in the church for the last 50 years because faithful Catholics were no more searching the graces of God due to the quite thriving economy they had. Even though it was not perfect, it allowed also the sexual revolution to happen and that peoples would not consider to have to pray …More
@DrBobus : leaving the gold standard was a very intelligent artifact done at a moment where the revolution was happening in the church for the last 50 years because faithful Catholics were no more searching the graces of God due to the quite thriving economy they had. Even though it was not perfect, it allowed also the sexual revolution to happen and that peoples would not consider to have to pray in order to get a job because it wasn't difficult as during a time of war. Leaving the gold standard was a way for Satan to reshape the world during a time of false peace as Blessed Virgin Mary said it, and as James Hanish on the Fatima Center explained it. Each time the Americans were putting themselves more in debt due to the end of the gold standard, they were gradually putting themselves more under the slavery of the oil country like Saudi Arabia and Russia. This financial scheme was allowed in order that the economy don't collapse too soon so that the faithfuls don't come back to the Mass or start a counter-revolution. Satan took advantage of all the technologies to distract us in a world of pleasures like travelling by car or plane in order that peoples are no more focused on what will happen when they die and fail to return to Christ. One can say that he's far to be a dumb and that he succeeded to ruin the Catholic church and it was through this. Could he have done it without ?
Dr Bobus
I don't understand the link between leaving the gold standard and the mess in the church the last 50 years.
Ludovic Denim
The financial swindle that is explained here is not complete if we don't speak about the interest rates associated to the borrowed money lent by the banks.
If there is $100 billion in an economy that the banks have in reserves and they offer to the 1 billion peoples living in this economy to lend them this money at an interest rate of 5% for 10 years, then ten years later the economy must have …More
The financial swindle that is explained here is not complete if we don't speak about the interest rates associated to the borrowed money lent by the banks.

If there is $100 billion in an economy that the banks have in reserves and they offer to the 1 billion peoples living in this economy to lend them this money at an interest rate of 5% for 10 years, then ten years later the economy must have reached $105 billion. (it's much more than this because the compound interests year after year)

The problem is that the money to pay back, namely, the $5 billion dollars asked for the interest rates doesn't exist at all because it's not created by the banks. The borrowers have to face a race in order to get the money before the other competitors and that's why a part of them will never succeed to pay back the loan. On the other hand, the banks have either to find some innovators that will allow some borrowers to pay back their debts because the innovators allow peoples to spare more money through their invention (like Internet for instance that helped to spare money) ; either the banks have to make some new credit so that some peoples will invest this fresh money lent to them too and sustain the first borrowers of the banks.

This is called "cavalerie" in French and you can translate it on Google Translate if you want to get a better insight :
"La cavalerie est un processus financier où de nouveaux emprunts servent sans cesse à rembourser les emprunts antérieursfr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavalerie_(droit). Le système s'écroule lorsque l'emprunteur n'obtient pas le énième prêt : il sait alors qu'il ne pourra pas rembourser l'emprunt précédent. La cavalerie est une tentation pour des acteurs économiques au départ honnêtes mais confrontés à des difficultés qu'ils croient passagères. Si c'est bien le cas, ils pourront se tirer d'affaire et tout rembourser – et personne n'aura matière à se plaindre, ni même à s'en douter. Dans le cas contraire, la chute sera retardée mais n'en sera que plus brutale.

Dans la cavalerie exploitée à grande échelle à des fins d'escroquerie, une vitrine fictive sert généralement à simuler des opérations commerciales aux yeux de la banque ou autre bailleur de fonds, afin de faire passer pour des gains la somme issue des nouveaux emprunts. Par cette vitrine, l'emprunteur alimente son apparence de respectabilité et de solvabilité, donc la confiance du bailleur de fonds, donc sa propension à obtenir de lui de nouveaux fonds. La technique se prête facilement à une multiplication « boule de neige » : l'escroc peut se servir de l'argent pour se présenter comme un client solvable d'un complice, qui, à son tour, obtiendra un prêt plus important, et ainsi de suite. Cela requiert une mise de fonds initiale, en argent et en respectabilité."


There is a 3rd possibility : they can make enter a new actor in the economy, like China entered into the WTO, so that they could sustain this "cavalerie" by making the prices reduced by selling through a cheaper workforce and new companies to lend or to invest. More peoples will feel assuaged with the lowering prices from a outsourced production and so this scheme can grow gradually and extend itself to a new market where they can again impose their own ideology against the Catholic Church in order to enslave peoples. It's clear that if you destroy the family, the consumption will increase as well because instead that a family needs one place to live, the family will need two, and everything will be doubled in the same proportions if peoples divorce and marry with someone else. In the same way, if you destroy the Sunday with the Mass, then peoples will accept to work at anytime and become more and more flexible, more subjugated to the advertisements. If you destroy the chastity of the peoples, you open some new markets too like the ones that were not legal and which are bringing a lot of cash too. And during all this time that a few peoples set up a such scheme, they can invest their moneys everywhere it's worth through a paper-money that wasn't worth at all because just a paper printed without collateral...

But when the collapse is clearly unstoppable, then some may just provoke a world war so that to reset the system of debts. By the way, there is these days a statue of the fake god Moloch at the Colisée at Roma that is insulting the Christians that died there. There is no wonder that these deaths during a world war are part of a human sacrifice as a ritual for Satan that allowed them to set up such a system at the world level.