Pope tacks sign to door telling visitors not to complain. newscapital. on Jul 14, 2017 Stop whining! Pope tacks sign to the door of his private apartment telling visitors not to complain and instead …More
Pope tacks sign to door telling visitors not to complain.

newscapital. on Jul 14, 2017 Stop whining! Pope tacks sign to the door of his private apartment telling visitors not to complain and instead ‘improve your life’.
Pope Francis carries the weight of the world's poor and suffering on his shoulders: the last thing he needs is people turning up at his apartment for a whinge.

Vietato lamentarsi (no complaining) reads a sign in Italian hung on the door to Pope Francis's private rooms in the Vatican that was given to him by a psychologist, according to a religious expert close to the pontiff.

Psychologist Salvo Noe, author of motivational guides, gave it to Francis at the end of an audience on Saint Peter's Square last month, journalist Andrea Tornielli said on the Vatican Insider website.
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