Fiat Ministry
Episode 15 with Michael Voris. Michael Voris, S.T.B. is an American Roman Catholic journalist, polemicist, and apologist. He is the president and founder of Saint Michael's Media and also has an internet …More
Episode 15 with Michael Voris.

Michael Voris, S.T.B. is an American Roman Catholic journalist, polemicist, and apologist. He is the president and founder of Saint Michael's Media and also has an internet broadcast network called www.churchmilitant.tv. Joe talks to Michael Voris about his Fiat Moment(s) and how he said yes to Jesus Christ. Also Michael explains how he got into doing internet broadcasting and how his faith got him to start ChurchMilitant.tv. Joe also ask Michael about a couple recent Vortex videos Michael did on his website. Please join us here live each Sunday night at 9pm.
Fiat Ministry
We have fix that with new shows sorry.
Whats with all the flashy lights and fanfare at the beginning of the show. For a whole minuet there is lights, loud music and a large buildup like God almighty is going to be the host of the show?! 🤨
I was like common get on with it! 🤦 😀More
Whats with all the flashy lights and fanfare at the beginning of the show. For a whole minuet there is lights, loud music and a large buildup like God almighty is going to be the host of the show?! 🤨

I was like common get on with it! 🤦 😀