This isn't an "official" announcement, but it is some very exciting news. About two weeks ago the Benedictines of Mary in Gower, Missouri, were in the process of setting up an altar to hold the remains …More
This isn't an "official" announcement, but it is some very exciting news. About two weeks ago the Benedictines of Mary in Gower, Missouri, were in the process of setting up an altar to hold the remains of their foundress, Sr Mary Wilhelmina, who died 4 years ago at the age of 95. In the midst of that project, they discovered that she is incorrupt and looks amazing. Visitors are welcome to see her in the parlor, from 8am to 8pm. Sad to say, someone has already stolen her rosary.
This is just the local news from people who are driving to the convent to see her. The Benedictines of Mary website has pictures from her funeral in May of 2019. Here's a link to a beautiful description of her holy death on the Feast of the Ascension. Sr. Mary Wilhelmina, OSB, first Prioress of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Dies at Age 95