What is my Faith. power point meditation on "faith" by the author.More
What is my Faith.

power point meditation on "faith" by the author.
I felt like this on the Feast of Christ the King after Holy Mass because our priest barely spoke on the subject and when Holy Mass was concluded everyone broke out in loud conversations and laughter as they left the church without even offering three minutes of quiet prayer in thanksgiving for His supreme sacrifice just offered for our pitiful sins. I left Holy Mass on that day very sad and hungry …More
I felt like this on the Feast of Christ the King after Holy Mass because our priest barely spoke on the subject and when Holy Mass was concluded everyone broke out in loud conversations and laughter as they left the church without even offering three minutes of quiet prayer in thanksgiving for His supreme sacrifice just offered for our pitiful sins. I left Holy Mass on that day very sad and hungry. Why do we forget our nothingness, why are we so ungrateful? Do you remember the processions and Eucharistic adoration on this Feast Day, I am hungry, i am poor.