Dr Paul Marik is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist, originally from South Africa. He was Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He developed a life saving protocol …More
Dr Paul Marik is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist, originally from South Africa. He was Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He developed a life saving protocol for sepsis. He has written over 400 peer reviewed journal articles and has been cited over 35 000 times in peer reviewed publications. He is the second most published critical care physician in the world. He is the co-founder of the FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance).
In this episode, we discuss the following:
- Why was the FLCCC created.
- Dr Marik tells us that if the early treatment protocol suggested by the FLCCC had been adopted widely and accepted by the agencies, by now this would all be over. Instead, the measures adopted by the agencies have made things significantly worse.
- Dr Marik tells us that we now have a humanitarian disaster of unbelievable proportions, which is the Covid-19 vaccine injured. According to the V-safe data, there are 18 million Vaccine injured Americans.
- Vaccine injury is a complex disease, the average number of symptoms per patient is 23.
- Dr Marik tells us that his organization now has assessed that there are 2 spikes of death. One is in the first 10 days after the injection. The second spike of death is 5 months after the injection.
- What is in the FLCCC’s vaccine recovery protocol. What is autophagy?
- Dr Marik tells us that ivermectin is from nature, and nature does not make mistakes. We discuss the Australian ban of ivermectin.
- We discuss the lawsuit against the FDA regarding their ivermectin advice.
- What is the Federation of State Medical Boards. A secret organization. How much power do they have?
- Dr Marik discusses the lack of efficacy of Tamiflu for influenza and molnupirivir for Covid-19.
- Why in 2020 did the US health authorities suppress early treatment for Covid-19?
- What would Dr Marik like to see changed in America with respect to the FDA and the CDC to stop this corruption around protocols for disease and vaccine approval.
- Dr Marik tells us that medical schools get funding from the NIH. They are no longer places of independent education and independent thought. If they do not follow NIH guidelines they do not get funding.
Websites referenced in the Interview
- The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) website:
- The 4 protocols for Covid-19 treatment; early treatment, hospital treatment and long haul syndrome and post vaccine inflammatory syndrome.
- C19 website. (listing all the early treatment supplement/pharmaceutical studies).
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,404 studies
- The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). The only resource our team was able to find on this secret board. A video testimonial from an American doctor in New Zealand, Dr Bruce Dooley.
The Dark Truth of America's Federation Of State Medical Boards