Pope Francis Declares Himself the Antichrist and Lucifer the Father. Pope Francis is certainly an antichrist, but he is NOT the antichrist. Pope Francis is the False Prophet and he is preparing the …More
Pope Francis Declares Himself the Antichrist and Lucifer the Father.

Pope Francis is certainly an antichrist, but he is NOT the antichrist. Pope Francis is the False Prophet and he is preparing the world for the arrival of Pope John Paul II.
To help keep things in focus
1. God the Father __and__Satan
2. Jesus Christ__and__THE antichrist
3. The Holy Spirit__and__The False Prophet
Satan tries to mimic God to fool us. Pope Francis, the False Prophet, just announced to the world that Lucifer is "god" and that "Christ" (in the form of Pope John Paul) is Lucifer's son who will rise from the dead.
That is EXACTLY how deception works.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead and so will Pope John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II will claim to be God / Jesus Christ.
Read More: Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye
Screen Queen
Nonsense. You got it completely wrong.
Did Pope Francis Praise Lucifer? – Shameless Popery
Jeffrey Ade
Pretty succinct!
The City of London rules the financial world of the New World Order.
Vatican City rules the religion of the New World Order.
Washington DC rules the military of the New World Order.More
Pretty succinct!

The City of London rules the financial world of the New World Order.

Vatican City rules the religion of the New World Order.

Washington DC rules the military of the New World Order.
Jeffrey Ade
Super interesting link! Thank you!