Global right to abortion! December 8, 2015 Dear Friend of the Friday Fax, No one has fought harder for life, faith, children and family at the UN than C-Fam. And we have been doing this every day …More
Global right to abortion!

December 8, 2015

Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,

No one has fought harder for life, faith, children and family at the UN than C-Fam. And we have been doing this every day since the summer of 1997.

Each and every day C-Fam personnel have gotten out of bed, said our morning prayers, and headed out to fight the radicals who have their sights set on ruining our families, harming our Churches, undermining our countries.

Of course, the radicals do not see it that way. They truly think the family is the enemy, that religion stands in the way of enlightenment, and that the nation state is the grotesque enemy of global government.

But we know better. We know the family is the only real protector of children. We know the Church is there to teach us His truth. We know global government can only result in a totalitarian imposition of dangerous ideologies.

This is why each and every day since 1997 someone from C-Fam, sometimes all alone, often with other good people from around the world, have stepped into the breach to defend, protect the the family, the Church and the nation.

C-Fam was founded by the vision of St. John Paul the Great who called people of all faiths to go to the Cairo Conference on Population and Development in 1994. The founders of C-Fam went to Cairo and they saw a need that this rag-tag band of inspired amateurs become a professionalized army present at the UN every single day.

When John Paul the Great’s representative at the UN, Archbishop Renato Martino, announced that a full-time office of Christian laymen begin operations at UN headquarters in New York, we answered that call.

For many years C-Fam was the only office working exclusively on life and family matters at UN headquarters. And for those many years, C-Fam has become an expert in the ways of the UN. C-Fam personnel have served on many official UN delegations. C-Fam personnel have become close advisers to many others.

It has always been our goal to become professional, to the tell the truth, and to do so fearlessly.

Times have not always been easy. We have undergone attacks from many quarters. The UN Population Fund actually attacked us on the front page of their website. They even went to the Vatican to see if the Church would shut us down. Though we are faithful Catholics and Christians we are not an official or even an unofficial part of the institutional Church.

The enemies of life, faith and family never sleep. Though they have fought for decades to get a right to abortion, they have lost because we stopped them. Though they have fought to redefine the family, they have lost because we stopped them. Though they have fought to impose their sick sexual ethic on our children, they have lost because we stopped them.

But they are there at the UN each and every day still fighting for those wicked ideas.

The end of the year is coming and I must turn to you to help us close our year-end budget deficit. It is inevitable that the cost of doing battle is always more than we have.

But even more than that, we need to stock up for the new year when even more battles are looming before us, battles at the UN, battles at the Organization of American States, battles in the US Congress, all the battle – to protect our precious children, our families, our Churches and our nations.

So, will you help us in these waning days of 2015? Will you go to www.c-fam.org/donate and make a sacrificial gift to our work?

Will you pray every day for our financial needs? Will you pray every day that we continue to drive back the radicals? Will you go to www.c-fam.org/donate and help us right now?

Have you been particularly blessed this year? Can you make a truly sacrificial gift to us? I promise you that your gift will be well spent.

We have been here for almost twenty years. We will be here for years to come. We will never give up. We will never give in. We will continue to defeat our enemies. But we cannot do so without your active assistance. Please go to www.c-fam.org/donate and give as much as you can.

Pray for us.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Ruse
Publisher/Friday Fax