Man Eats Our Flyer Against Socialism. TFP volunteers traveled to Gettysburg College to alert students about the dangers of socialism and distribute flyers, 10 Reasons to Reject Socialism. A large banner …More
Man Eats Our Flyer Against Socialism.

TFP volunteers traveled to Gettysburg College to alert students about the dangers of socialism and distribute flyers, 10 Reasons to Reject Socialism. A large banner quoting Sir Winston Churchill was also on display for students to read: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
The heading is wrong. Should read: "Boy Chews On Our Flyer Against Socialism, But Is Not Competent Enough To Retain And Digest It. Poor Lad."
Roberto 55
It is a sign of possession (eating a paper) or mental disease?
@St Cuthburt Mayne Ora pro nobis How? He could of made peace with Germany and there would of been no WW2. Instead he went to war with them just as the international bankers told him to. He carpet bombed Dresden killing around 300,000 civilians within two days dwarfing the amount of total UK civilian deaths. He promised to free Poland and instead gave them over to the communist Soviet Union. Today,…More
@St Cuthburt Mayne Ora pro nobis How? He could of made peace with Germany and there would of been no WW2. Instead he went to war with them just as the international bankers told him to. He carpet bombed Dresden killing around 300,000 civilians within two days dwarfing the amount of total UK civilian deaths. He promised to free Poland and instead gave them over to the communist Soviet Union. Today, it's basically illegal to be British in the UK. moslems are raping and killing British children and the UK gov't protects these criminals. UK isn't going to be UK in the future. It's going to be PakiAfricanistan within 50 years. Some great leader.
One more comment from mattsixteen24
Everything was good, except Winston Churchill was anti-Catholic. Why didn't they use a quote from the church?? Even their website has them: www.tfp.org/what-the-popes-…