Shock: 40% of New York Pregnancies Aborted

Shock: 40% of New York Pregnancies Aborted

NEW YORK, New York, January 5, 2012 ( – With the highest abortion rate in the nation, nearly double the 23% national average, New York continues to be a place that babies in the womb cannot love.

New York City Department of Health released data that shows that 83,750 abortions were performed in New York City in 2010, which translated to 40% of all pregnancies, down from 41% in 2009.

The Bronx saw a staggering 48% of pregnancies end in abortion. The city lost 38,574 African-Americans babies to abortion, a dumbfounding 60% of the city’s African-American pregnancies.

New York has the highest abortion rate in the country.

“In parts of the city more than half of all pregnancies end in abortion - this is very, very disturbing,” said Greg Pfundstein, Executive Director of the Chiaroscuro Foundation, a pro-life organization that says it was instrumental in the city’s decision to itemize the abortion and pregnancy statistics and release them in a more timely manner.

The abortion rate among NY teens as a whole was 63%, 12,139 abortions to 7,207 live births. That means that for every 1,000 babies born among New York City teens, 1,684 were aborted.

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holyrope 3
Those that have legalized the murdering of innocent babies will have much to answer for! 83,750 babies in New York, alone in 2010, murdered! Lord have Mercy on us and on the Whole World!
I live in NY and its really bad here! If you do side-walk counseling you have to stay on your toes! The death nurses call the cops on you for NO reason and they even curse you at times. Sometimes the doctor will come out of the clinic and throw a pair of bloody gloves at you! They have a strong man at the door that gets in your face whenever you try and talk to a woman entering. The worst thing is …More
I live in NY and its really bad here! If you do side-walk counseling you have to stay on your toes! The death nurses call the cops on you for NO reason and they even curse you at times. Sometimes the doctor will come out of the clinic and throw a pair of bloody gloves at you! They have a strong man at the door that gets in your face whenever you try and talk to a woman entering. The worst thing is walking around the corner and seeing the medal boxes with baby parts stored inside. All the clinics are gross and are ruled by Satan! There is NO love from these clinics but just death and more death. 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈