Information message about the LIX meeting of the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia (KKER):
"To avoid misunderstanding and confusion, KKER draws attention to the fact that blessings of any kind of couples who persist in irregular relationships from the point of view of Christian morality (concubinating, second-married, same-sex) are inadmissible".
(my translation into …More
Information message about the LIX meeting of the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia (KKER):

"To avoid misunderstanding and confusion, KKER draws attention to the fact that blessings of any kind of couples who persist in irregular relationships from the point of view of Christian morality (concubinating, second-married, same-sex) are inadmissible".

(my translation into English)

Информационное сообщение о LIX заседании Пленарного собрания Конференции …

LIX заседание Пленарного собрания ККЕР состоялось 28 и 29 февраля 2024 году …