Terza edizione del seminario professionale "The Church Up Close" Terza edizione del seminario professionale "The Church Up Close" Dal 10 al 16 settembre avrà luogo la terza edizione del seminario …More
Terza edizione del seminario professionale "The Church Up Close"

Terza edizione del seminario professionale "The Church Up Close"

Dal 10 al 16 settembre avrà luogo la terza edizione del seminario professionale per giornalisti "The Church Up Close. Covering Catholicism in the Age of Benedict XVI".


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Combining class-room seminars, personal meetings, and on-site visits, the Seminar gives journalists an array of tools to strengthen their coverage: a basic sense of the lay of the land at the Vatican; a serious, in-depth analysis of specific hot-button issues confronting today’s Church; a personal introduction to some knowledgeable insiders and key players in Rome; a taste of the rich history and culture behind contemporary Church affairs; a chance to dialogue, in an ideal setting, with journalists from around the world, on the complex relationships between religion and the media.
Content of the Seminar
The seminar includes:
The class-room sessions will deal with issues of culture and religion (inter-religious dialogue, science and faith, social and bio-ethical topics), the Church and the media (public opinion, Vatican coverage, access and transparency) and the nature and structure of the Catholic Church and the Holy See (organization and role in international politics).
Personal meetings will offer a chance to get to know key curial officials, Vatican media officials and veteran Rome correspondents.
On-site Visits
The program includes visits to St. Peter’s Basilica*, the “Scavi” (the Roman necropolis beneath the present-day basilica), the Sistine Chapel*, the Vatican Press Office, a Papal audience*, and other sites of interest.
*Spouses can accompany participants on visit


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“It can take years to get to know the policies and the players of the Vatican. But The Church Up Close gave me instant access and understanding. It unlocked many mysteries, and gave me the tools to dig deeper. I’m so glad I participated and have recommended it to friends and colleagues.” -- Ari Goldman, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, USA
“No fewer than 18 seminars covering everything from bioethics, Islam, and "the long shadow of Galileo" explained why the Church takes the stands it does. Talking to the Vatican's best scholars gave me insights, contacts, and story ideas that I could not have obtained any other way.” --Jennifer M. Green, Ottawa Citizen, Senior Writer, Faith and Ethics, Canada
The Church Up Close seminar was an invaluable immersion into the living heart of the Catholic Church; the range of specialists on hand to share their knowledge with participants was impressive, and together with trips to sites of major importance to the Catholic world, made for an active, stimulating and informative programme. It has greatly benefited my journalism, and I would have no hesitation in recommending it to others.” --Paul Keenan, Features Editor, The Irish Catholic, Ireland
“Thank you for providing a most educational, informative and life-changing experience for me and my colleagues.” --Charles Muth, Catholic News Service, USA
I was delighted to come to Rome to engage with a cross-section of people from across the world, and to view the Church's inner workings in their own setting. It is one thing to view these things from afar, and another to see things "up close". It really does make a difference to one's perspective. A place like Rome certainly engages all the senses. The program takes that into account when organising the seminar, the Scavi, the Vatican Museums, Castel Gandolfo, and so on.” -- Michail Rassool, The Southern Cross, Cape Town, South Africa
“It was great to be with so many people from all over the world with different mentalities, cultures, and religions, and to hear such interesting speakers.” --Claudia Robu, Romanian Television, Romania
“Any journalist who has to deal with spirituality, faith, religious organisations or churches, and especially the Catholic Church, in their professional life will benefit enormously from The Church Up Close seminar. It offers a unique and invaluable opportunity for journalists to come to grips with the single most important Christian Church around the world in the heart of the city whose name is synonymous with Christianity. Over the course of the week journalists get to hear high-level Church experts decode the issues that are at the heart of contemporary life as the Church sees them. Almost as important, participants also get unique opportunities to develop contacts in a range of Church-related organisations and agencies that they would never otherwise come across and which will assist them enormously in the practice of their profession and on their own beats. As a participant in the 2008 Church Up Close seminar, I strongly recommend this unique Rome experience to any journalist, news director or editor.” -- Peter Rosengren, Managing Editor, The Record, Perth, Western Australia