Panicked Catholics flee violence in northern Nigeria

Photo ~ Onlookers gather around a car destroyed in a blast next to St. Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla, Nigeria, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011. An explosion ripped through a Catholic church during Christmas Mass near Nigeria's capital Sunday, killing scores of people, officials said. A radical Muslim sect claimed the attack and another bombing near a church in the restive city of Jos, as explosions also struck the nation's northeast. (AP Photo/Sunday Aghaeze)

Panicked Catholics flee violence in northern Nigeria

Abuja, Nigeria, Jan 26, 2012 / 01:50 am (CNA).- As many as 35,000 people have fled their homes in northern Nigeria after continuing attacks from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. Their numbers include a large number of Catholics who report that churches have been destroyed.

“There is panic. Many just leave everything behind, and run for safety, because they do not know when violence might flare up again,” a source told Aid to the Church in Need on Jan. 24.

On Jan. 20, Boko Haram killed at least 185 people in attacks that rocked Kano city, located in the state of Borno, the Associated Press reports.

The coordinated attacks used cars with heavy explosives and suicide bombers who targeted police stations. Men in security uniforms gunned down government officials.

Churches have also been destroyed in Maidiguri in Borno and the city of Bauchi, in Bauchi state.

“It is the stated goal of Boko Haram to make the whole of the north free of Christians,” one source told Aid to the Church in Need. Catholic News Agency
holyrope 3
Christian persecution continues to increase, everywhere! Have mercy. 🙏
holyrope 3
Gloria.TV - News Briefs - 👏👏👏👍🇮🇹
Muslims slaughter thousands of Christians in Nigeria
This article is sourced from the website Bare Naked Islam.More
Muslims slaughter thousands of Christians in Nigeria

This article is sourced from the website Bare Naked Islam.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
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Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Muslims slaughter thousands of Christians in Nigeria
10,000 Christians have been slaughtered by Muslims in the past four years. And Barack Obama says nothing.
Violence against Christians by Muslims in Jos in central Nigeria site has more than one hundred deaths. Sectarian violence in the region in January, took hundreds of lives. The Christian villagers were massacred with machetes and then put in …More
Muslims slaughter thousands of Christians in Nigeria

10,000 Christians have been slaughtered by Muslims in the past four years. And Barack Obama says nothing.

Violence against Christians by Muslims in Jos in central Nigeria site has more than one hundred deaths. Sectarian violence in the region in January, took hundreds of lives. The Christian villagers were massacred with machetes and then put in fire.

A witness who visited the village after the massacre reported that there were hundreds of bodies in stacked layers.
The Muslim attackers came from the surrounding hills and attacked the sleeping villagers, took them from their homes and slaughtered them with machetes. Jos is located on the border of the Muslim north and predominantly Christian southern Nigeria and is regularly the scene of religious riots.

Approximately 140 million people inhabit Nigeria, the most populated country in Africa.

The country is divided by ethnic and religious differences. 60% of the population is Muslim living mostly in the North of the country. Christians mainly inhabit the South.

The introduction of the Sharia law 10 years ago in 12 states provoked a series of riots throughout the country.

In August 2004 the Islamic government in the Zamfara state threatened to demolish all churches considered as illegal structures, close all businesses belonging to Christians during Muslim prayers, and enforce a new law against clothing that is not compliant with Islamic law.