Catholics in the Tank for Obama

Photo ~ In May of 2009, the decision makers of the Catholic University of Notre Dame went out of their way to award an honorary law degree to President Barack Obama. This action, the University explained, was a "good thing for the president and for the causes we care about."

Catholics in the Tank for Obama

During a campaign event in 2011, a feminist stopped Barack Obama in mid-speech to ask him if he supported free contraceptives. Obama replied: “Darn tootin’!”

According to the latest polling, this political high-wire act—seeking to win the Catholic vote while warring on Catholic institutions—is not impossible for Obama to pull off. Indeed, it looks like he is headed for an impressive finish. As CNN reports, “Obama leads opponent Mitt Romney among Catholic voters by 54% to 39%, according to the survey, conducted from September 12 to 16 by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.”

Earlier this year Cardinal Timothy Dolan admitted to the Wall Street Journal that the U.S. bishops failed to catechize American Catholics in the Church’s teaching on contraception.

This, too, explains Obama’s support amongst Catholics.

They don’t care about his contraceptive mandate because they don’t care about the Church’s teaching on contraceptives. Forty years of bad catechesis can’t be undone by a “Fortnight for Freedom.”

If the news that the most anti-Catholic president ever is on track to win the Catholic vote doesn’t sober the bishops up and return them to orthodox basics, nothing will.
