Enslaved by Voodoo, in Europe

Enslaved by Voodoo, in Europe

Seeking a better life in Europe, west African women and children are frequently enslaved with Voodoo threats.

The women leave countries like Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa and settle in the African ghettoes of Europe.

Desperate for work and usually with debt to pay for their journey, they are quickly scooped up by local mafia organizations and employed as prostitutes. The organizations aren't classical Italian mafias either. They can be Chinese, African, or even Colombian.

The Catholic church maintains several charities including many where women can come in off the streets and be housed for extended periods of time.

During those periods, the women are given food, shelter, and safety, as well as peace of mind.

Women are taught that they needn't fear the Juju (a voodoo rite), and that it is mere superstition.

The women talk with the sisters and discuss how they came to be prostitutes and develop plans that will help prevent them from returning to such lives once they leave the protection of the convents.
Catholic Online

21 August 2011
St. Pius X