The Donation of Organs is a form of Charity. The donation of organs is a special way of being charitable, Benedict XVI said to the participants of the International Congress dedicated to this delicate …More
The Donation of Organs is a form of Charity.

The donation of organs is a special way of being charitable, Benedict XVI said to the participants of the International Congress dedicated to this delicate theme and promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life.

The Pope advised against giving in to the logic of buying and selling organs and against the implementation of discriminatory and utilitarian criteria; dangers that would clash with the meaning of donation itself and that would leave aside the true significance of donation, making them instead morally illicit acts.

He emphasized that besides the informed consent that is requested of those in need of a transplant, the principle criterion must always be respect for the life of the donor in such a way that the withdrawal of organs be authorized only in cases of real and certified death.

The main road to follow, until science succeeds in discovering possible new and more advanced ways of therapy, should be the education and diffusion of a culture of solidarity that is open to everyone and does not exclude anyone.
Do people understand that one must be still alive to donate organs and not physically dead and especially not spiritually dead? This is an atrocity! Read the facts about Organ Donation! Your priests should be speaking out against this!