Why are Satan's servants trying to sabotage the DNA of humans

Why are Satan's servants trying to sabotage the DNA of humans
by imposing mandatory vaccination? Because, as we said before,
"DNA is God's signature and imprint on us, and Satan wants to
change people to become in his image."
This drawing is for the laminin molecules, and laminin is the
protein responsible for the bonding and cohesion of the human
body. Did you notice its shape? Isn't it amazing that God was
thinking about the future even before he created Adam and made
in our bodies the shape of a cross to remind us that we must
always "reflect the image of Christ, and also" to remember
that we belong to the Lord because we bear the imprint of his

"He is before all things, and the whole universe is held

together by Him."
(Colossians 1:17)