EWTN News Nightly - 2015-06-26 - Brian Patrick. The U.S. Supreme Court redefines marriage nationwide – Jason Calvi reports from The High Court and we’re joined by Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie …More
EWTN News Nightly - 2015-06-26 - Brian Patrick.

The U.S. Supreme Court redefines marriage nationwide – Jason Calvi reports from The High Court and we’re joined by Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino and The Heritage Foundation’s Sarah Torre to discuss the greater impact of this historic ruling. Two months after the devastating earthquakes in Nepal – Catherine Szeltner updates us with the recovery effort in the Asian nation. The Catholic Association’s Ashley McGuire highlights the pro-life aspects of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment. And on this Feast Day of St. Josemaria Escriva, we hear more about the founder of Opus Dei.