Vatican, others confirm existence of gay scandal report

Vatican, others confirm existence of gay scandal report: pope sets new transition rules

ROME, February 25, 2013 ( – It is three days to the end of the pontificate of Benedict XVI and it is nearly impossible to keep on top of the rumours and speculation whirling around the Internet over his resignation and the upcoming conclave. The whole world wants to know what is really going on.

First we had Friday’s blockbuster story by La Repubblica on the 300-page report by three senior cardinals allegedly detailing the activities of a homosexual cabal, blackmail and manipulation of Vatican officials and possible financial misdeeds.

About the “gay lobby” that his article said exists in the curia, Ingrao was definite. The theme “emerged because a few of the people who were questioned by the cardinals told me that the questions that they were asked were about this aspect…It was clear.

“The cardinals were specifically interested in this point. I heard this from several sources. I did not consider anything valid if I heard it from one source only. I required at least two or three sources telling me the same thing. If I heard it from two or more sources, if my sources confirmed one another, I knew I was hearing something with a basis in fact.”

The first Vatican response was to “neither confirm nor deny” anything about the cardinals’ work, and issued a media release rebuking media outlets for making things up.

But today they changed their tune. The Secretariat of State issued a statement saying, “It is regrettable that as we draw closer to the time of the beginning of the conclave … that there be a widespread distribution of often unverified, unverifiable or completely false news stories that cause serious damage to persons and institutions.”
I used to read that woman's "prophecies" at "the warning second- coming" site. I immediately stopped, after having read in a "prophecy", someone or something (calling itself Jesus), describing the Holy and Sacred Wounds as "festering". That was enough for me to never go to that site again. 🤫
Well . . . Not really into her prophicies, but thought what she says fit whats going on now. There hasn't been a Pope in HUNDREDS of years to give up his post and she said he would. Abdication can be translated in different ways.
I believe what she says is more reliable than Mejugorie!
Just thought I would bring her up due to her prediction of the Pope leaving office.
Well . . . Not really into her prophicies, but thought what she says fit whats going on now. There hasn't been a Pope in HUNDREDS of years to give up his post and she said he would. Abdication can be translated in different ways.

I believe what she says is more reliable than Mejugorie!

Just thought I would bring her up due to her prediction of the Pope leaving office.
@Temperance: the woman "prophesized" about the Pope leaving AFTER HE HAD ANNOUNCED HIS ABDICATION!!!!
So much for this so-called prophet!!More
@Temperance: the woman "prophesized" about the Pope leaving AFTER HE HAD ANNOUNCED HIS ABDICATION!!!!

So much for this so-called prophet!!
There is a woman that prophesized about the Pope leaving and now it is happening?! A lot of people don't like her, but what she has told has all come to pass!
In this aspect I believe her. I think there is a good chance Bishops that are Masons and more homo loving ones at that! If there are more evil bishops voting the Holy Spirit will not be heard and a false phophite will be elected! To say that …More
There is a woman that prophesized about the Pope leaving and now it is happening?! A lot of people don't like her, but what she has told has all come to pass!
In this aspect I believe her. I think there is a good chance Bishops that are Masons and more homo loving ones at that! If there are more evil bishops voting the Holy Spirit will not be heard and a false phophite will be elected! To say that the Holy Spirit won't allow this is in my opinion very nieve! The gates of hell wont prevale against the Holy Roman Church but hell will definatly give the church a whopping!…
These rumours have to be cleared up before the conclave can begin. Blackmailed cardinals cannot be allowed to elect the earthly vicar of our Lord.
God bless everyone ... wow !!! we, the church are in great dilemma over so much unanswered secrets, exploitation problems of all kinds... I have just finish reading the report of fr Dariusz Oko, Ph.D.. titles: "The Pope Against The Homoheresy", where fr Oko declares the homosexuality between priests and bishops at the vatican ...."we must clearly, explicitlty and reservedly say: yes there is a strong …More
God bless everyone ... wow !!! we, the church are in great dilemma over so much unanswered secrets, exploitation problems of all kinds... I have just finish reading the report of fr Dariusz Oko, Ph.D.. titles: "The Pope Against The Homoheresy", where fr Oko declares the homosexuality between priests and bishops at the vatican ...."we must clearly, explicitlty and reservedly say: yes there is a strong homosexuel underground in the Church ... such circles in the Church strongly oppose the truth, Morality and Revelation, cooperate with ennemies of the Church, [and] incite revolt against Peter of our times." ... Fr Oko also states: ..."If homolobbyists are allowed to act freely, in a dozen or so years they may destroy entire congregations and dioceses - like in the USA, where priestly vocation is more and more called a gay profession" .... In the book "Light of the World" ,, the Holy Father nails the problem exactly:" The greatest persecution of the Church comes not from her ennemies without, but arises from sin within the Church" (p.27) ............. all this is leading towards the great schism and the great purification that was announce in Fatima.... pray, pray, pray !!!