Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments. We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) existing 2005 …More
Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments.
We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) existing 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and stand in support of all people’s right to health sovereignty and self-determination.
The United States’ proposed amendments to the IHR are set to be considered at the 75th World Health Assembly, which begins on the 22nd of May, 2022. The proposed amendments, however, create an ambiguity relating to the date they become effective as the proposed amendments expressly state they will become effective six months after the date of notification by the Director-General, whereas the existing IHR provides that amendments become effective 18 months after notification by the Director-General.
Sign the Declaration:
World Freedom Declaration Opposes the WHO's Proposed IHR Amendments

If accepted, these legally binding amendments would come into effect for all member …More
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