USD drag show goes on

LINDA VISTA — The drag show will go on at the University of San Diego Thursday despite an ongoing effort to ban the event — a petition that’s been taken all the way to the Vatican.
The third annual show, billed as “a celebration of gender expression,” will showcase students dressed in costume as the opposite sex lip-syncing to music. The event will also feature a brief academic talk on the history of cross-dressing and information booths from a few student organizations.
Local attorney Charles S. LiMandri and Thomas McKenna, who works to uphold the principles of the Catholic Church, have tried unsuccessfully to get USD, a Roman Catholic institution, to stop the show. They petitioned the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego to review the situation and denounce the event as a violation of the teachings and canons of the Catholic Church, a plea that has similarly failed to stir action.
The Diocese did not return phone calls to comment.…/usd-drag-show-g…
Is no wonder the gay lobby has been so successful in presuring all institutions to accept their deviant and sinful behavior... When bishops fail to defend the faith. Thereis nothing in the way to stop them. God have mercy on us all.