The Future of Vaccines - If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated …More
The Future of Vaccines - If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines. Source: youtube.com/watch?v=UQvaQFdGLn8
Alex A
Of all the idiots spouting the 'new normal', Trudeau would be my 'most detestable.'
Miles - Christi - English
I agree. And it has its merit, considering how tough the competition is in that area...