St. Alphonsus Liguori against Islam. The following audio clip is taken from St. Alphonsus Liguori's book, The History of Heresies & Their Refutation, Chapter 7, Article I, On Mahometanism (Islam). …More
St. Alphonsus Liguori against Islam.

The following audio clip is taken from St. Alphonsus Liguori's book, The History of Heresies & Their Refutation, Chapter 7, Article I, On Mahometanism (Islam). Which read as follows:

“The impious sect of Mahometanism sprung up in this century [the 7th]… Mahomet, the founder of this destroying sect… was born in Arabia, in 586… He [Mahomet] pretended to have long conversations with the Archangel Gabriel, in the cave of Hera… In the year 608, being then forty years of age, he began to give out that he was a Prophet, inspired by God, and he persuaded his relatives and domestics of this first, and then began to publicly preach in Mecca, and attack idolatry. At first, the people did not very willingly listen to him, and asked him to prove his mission by a miracle; but he told them that God sent him to preach the truth, and not to work miracles. The impostor, however, boasts of having wrought one, though ridiculous in the extreme: a piece, he says, fell off from the moon into his sleeve, and he fixed it on again; and it is said that this is the reason for the Mahometans adopting the half moon as the device of their Empire…“He composed the Koran… It is a collection of precepts, taken from the Mosaic and Christian Law, together with many of his own, and interspersed with fables and ridiculous revelations…. He professes that there is but one God; but in his Alcoran [the Koran] he relates many trivialities unworthy of the Supreme Being, and the whole work is, in fact, filled with contradictions, as I have shown in my book on the ‘Truth of the Faith.’… The Mahometan Paradise, however, is only fit for beasts; for filthy sensual pleasure is all the believer has to expect there… The Mahometans shave the head, and leave only a lock of hair on the crown, by which they hope Mahomet will take them up to Heaven, even out of Hell itself.”
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