Henry Sire : interview with Thomas Woods (24/04/2018) Henry Sire, who originally published his book The Dictator Pope under a pen name, joins me for some background and insight into Jorge Mario …More
Henry Sire : interview with Thomas Woods (24/04/2018)

Henry Sire, who originally published his book The Dictator Pope under a pen name, joins me for some background and insight into Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who as Pope Francis has presided over confusion and controversy.
Montfort AJPM
If we break the chain of our prayers, the chain of divine help will also break ;
If they don't do what I command, says the Antichrist, I get out of my hinges as Henry Sire said who told the truth!
Si nous rompons la chaîne de nos prières, la chaîne des secours divins se rompra aussi ;
Si on ne fait pas ce que je commande, dit l'Antéchrist, je sors de mes gonds comme l'a dit Henry Sire qui a dit vrai !
Mary is holier than the Prophets, than the Apostles, than the Angels themselves ;
The Antichrist is more damned than Judas, than the demons and than Lucifer himself.
Marie est plus sainte que les Prophètes, que les Apôtres, que les Anges-mêmes ;
L'Antéchrist est plus damné que Judas, que les démons et que Lucifer-même.
"I hope you will listen to my new interview below with Thomas Woods, which both augments and clarifies points I made in other recent media conversations, and manages to take us into some entirely new terrain related to the Francis papacy."
(twitter.com/dictatorpope )