Pope: "No More Rejection and Contempt for Gypsies" The Church walks with you" and "is a home for you all". The Pope said this this morning while receiving in Paul VI Hall, at the Vatican, two thousand …More
Pope: "No More Rejection and Contempt for Gypsies"

The Church walks with you" and "is a home for you all". The Pope said this this morning while receiving in Paul VI Hall, at the Vatican, two thousand European gypsies who are making a pilgrimage to Rome on the 75th anniversary of the martyrdom of blessed Zefirino Gimenez Malla, a gypsy killed during the Spanish Civil War for defending a priest. It is the first time that a Pontiff has received a group of gypsies in the Vatican, but for a long time these faithful have been at the heart of the Church, as Paul VI said in 1965, celebrating mass in a field of Romanians in Pomezia, and as Benedict XVI repeated today. After listening to some testimonies, the Pope recalled the thousands of gypsies killed in th ...