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Misery will grow, War will come. Communism will rule and the Anti-Christ will arrive.

196. Chicago Layman "Those who lord it over the parts of the world today and who condone or propagate evil in national laws, press and schools as well as private lives and who think they can restore peace to nations and reform society and bring happiness to men, these err greatly. The gifts they think they can disburse are the property of God alone. Infidels, even though Christian in name, shall not dispense them lest the recipients say: See, I have received happiness from so and so or such a nation or such a government or such a form of government. No, irrespective of the sincerity of any individual involved misery will grow, war will come. Communism will rule and the Anti-Christ will arrive. Success will come only when man reverts to a system laid down by God himself as he laid it down to the Hebrews before the days of the Kings."

The Prophets and our Times
page 232

Rev, R Gerald Culleton

Tan Books 1974

Originally published 1941