Court Lets Obama Admin Force EWTN to Obey HHS Mandate

Just days before the Supreme Court is scheduled to consider the biggest case against the HHS abortion mandate that is a part of Obamacare, a lower court is forcing the Catholic television station EWTN to obey it.
U.S. District Court Judge Callie V.S. Granade of Mobile, Alabama issued an opinion yesterday denying EWTN Global Catholic Network protection from the government mandate that it must provide coverage of contraception, abortion-inducing drugs and sterilization as part of its employee health care coverage.
“We are extremely disappointed with the decision reached by the court in this case,” said EWTN Chairman and CEO Michael P. Warsaw in an email to LifeNews.
He added: “The opinion issued is clearly inconsistent with the decisions reached in nearly all of the cases decided to date. The fact that the court has dismissed the serious issues of conscience and religious freedom that EWTN has raised is very troubling.”

Prof. Leonard Wessell
One criticism of the German Catholic Church in the 1930s was that it did not forcibly enough oppose the Nazis on the Jewish question. It did do so on the liquidation of retarded persons, indeed, back Hitler down a bit. Why mention this? One can (and pardon my sarcasm here) view the elimination of Jews as a sort of delayed post partem abortion. The willful taking of life on innocents, is murder. …More
One criticism of the German Catholic Church in the 1930s was that it did not forcibly enough oppose the Nazis on the Jewish question. It did do so on the liquidation of retarded persons, indeed, back Hitler down a bit. Why mention this? One can (and pardon my sarcasm here) view the elimination of Jews as a sort of delayed post partem abortion. The willful taking of life on innocents, is murder. Very serious! I see a parellel for all Christian (all, not just Catholic) re Obama's mandate.

Let us say that the courts uphold the mandate. Then what. Obedience or ?. The insufficient resistance to a gov. of coming mass murder (during the 1930s the massive killing of Jews had not yet got under way) probably reflects upon the German Church of that time (I am not forgetting the tryranncial nature of the Gestapo apparatus and that is different from the US of today). What is to be done? was the title of a short, but criticial work by Lenin. Well, it seems to be that the title is valid for pro-lifers of today. If the legal forcing of pro-lifers, particularly an institution like the Catholic Church, becomes entrenched, it will, I predict, become a part of the accepted cultural values that constitute Pope Benedict's "culture of death". This is a sociological thesis. You know: Get a man on his knees and he will learn to pray. Get a culture on accepting Churches forced to support infanticide and it will become therapy. What is to be done--DONE, not just verbally expressed? Does anyone have an answer for me?