Pro-aborts cheer and do happy dance when mom enters clinic to abort. The owner of the Rockford abortion mill is getting so frustrated that children's lives are continually being saved inside the mobile …More
Pro-aborts cheer and do happy dance when mom enters clinic to abort.

The owner of the Rockford abortion mill is getting so frustrated that children's lives are continually being saved inside the mobile ultrasound clinic, he dragged out two elderly pro-abortion women all the way from McHenry County to stand in the clinic driveway and scream at mothers if they dared to stop to take information on the free mobile ultrasound clinic.

The power of prayer and love is always stronger than ignorance and death. "Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is stronger than death. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD." Song of Solomon 8:6

Three mothers used the mobile ultrasound this morning to see the children in their wombs and choose life. Two of these women are going to need continued help so pro-lifers will be meeting with them to provide both moms with the love and support they need.

One interesting thing happened that shows the difference between a people of life and the culture of death.

A woman who chose life at the Rockford abortion mill 14 years ago because pro-lifers had helped her, sent a sidewalk counselor a letter of thanks and a picture of her daughter who will be graduating 8th grade this year. A sidewalk counselor was reading the letter to people at the mill and sharing the mother's words of thanks to pro-lifers for being there when she needed help.

The faces on the two elderly pro-aborts wrinkled in anger and scorn when they heard the grateful mother's joy at choosing life. Their faces went from anger to revulsion when they saw the picture of the beautiful fourteen year old girl who was saved from abortion at this very mill.

The one thing that did cheer up the old pro-aborts was when a mother drove into the abortion mill, screaming and refusing to stop for help. The abortion supporters did a little victory dance that at least this child would not get away alive.

At the end of the day, it was the joy and peace in the faces of the three mothers who used the mobile ultrasound clinic which showed everyone present that it is and always will be Jesus Christ who is "Our Way, Our Truth, and Our LIFE."