Fr. Charles Murr: Why the Vatican Wants to DESTROY the TLM! Are the rumors true about an impending Vatican document that totally BANS the Traditional Latin Mass? Father Charles Murr rejoins A Catholic …More
Fr. Charles Murr: Why the Vatican Wants to DESTROY the TLM!

Are the rumors true about an impending Vatican document that totally BANS the Traditional Latin Mass? Father Charles Murr rejoins A Catholic Take to weigh in on why many in the Church hierarchy hate Traditional Catholics! #traditionalcatholic #vatican #rome #tlm

Full unedited conversation - Live News Today | Fr. Charles Murr responds to rumors on new FINAL SOLUTION to the TLM!

Links, show notes & more from A Catholic Take - A Catholic Take - The Station of the Cross
It's Vatican II teachings that the problem he skirts the real issue . What he calls Catholic teaching is what St Plus X called modernism
Jim Fern
I watched this earlier. Great truth in it all.