
A Refutation of Joey Dix "Who Are Our Betters?"

Jimmy Yerian under his latest alias @Joey Dix now justifies his mockery of Fr. Matthew P Schneider on the priest's own post. Mr. Yerian disabled his comments, so this post will provide the forum he fears.
So who are our betters? Mr. Yerian gets that much, at least, correct.

"Betters" are people who are basically "more important' than someone else.

…and in the Catholic Church, priests are more important than the laity. Priests can forgive sins and celebrate the Mass. The laity can not. In this context, a Catholic context, it is easy to discern who is more important.

"When someone teaches you to respect your betters, you're being instructed to honor someone who is by definition "better" than you."

…and here that means Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, an ordained priest.

"While Christians should respect everyone, I hesitate to call any person "Better" than me. "

Mr. Yerian may hesitate to call any person "better" than himself, but that doesn't change the fact many people ARE better than him, Fr. Matthew P. Schneider included. Even in purely secular terms, Fr. Schneider is a widely followed blogger. By contrast, Mr. Yerian is simply a repeatedly-banned nuisance on GTV.

"Not because I am arrogant, or because I am right, but because it is not Christian to do so."

In his hasty mendacity, Mr. Yerian forgot his Scripture. The Apostles clearly acknowledged He who was better than themselves. John 20:28: Thomas answered, and said to him: My Lord, and my God."

"When a Catholic interacts with a member of the clergy, we respect his position, we do NOT treat him as better than us in dignity."

Worth noting the "interaction" Mr. Yerian refers to was his insulting a Catholic priest on his own post. Photo evidence at bottom lest it "vanish" or get "back-edited" to say something else later on.

"This is a problem, because back in Jesus' day he was a lowly carpenter and when he criticized the Jewish priests he was disrespecting his betters. But he spoke the Truth."

Speaking of a lack of respect, Catholics traditionally capitalize pronouns when referring to Our Lord Jesus. That means, "He", not "he" and it's a reflection of the author's inherently disrespectful mindset that he repeatedly neglects doing so.

Likewise, Mr. Yerian forgets three important things. 1.) At that time, Jesus Christ was no longer "a lowly carpenter". Christ had begun His active ministry. 2.) Even before His ministry, Jesus Christ is the Son of God 3.) Therefore, during His ministry, He was not disrespecting His betters. He was criticizing His inferiors.

"Any Catholic who tells another not to correct a priest in good faith, or nun, or even a pope because that person is "better" than him, is professing evil and protecting the bad behavior."

Again, Mr. Yerian chooses to forget the facts. @Mathathias Maccabeus was merely suggesting (direct quote) "you might consider being more respectful to your betters, especially the consecrated." No mention was made of "corrections". Simply put, Mr. Yerian is re-writing history to suit his own ends. He wasn't "correcting" a priest. He was insulting them. I quote Mr. Yerian word for word: "@Roberto 55 don't ask logical questions. Father isn't up to it."

That is not a correction. That is a derisive expression of contempt for Father's understanding of logic.

"Sorry, we all know right and wrong."

As he so often does around here on GTV in his endless banned-and-rejoined accounts, Mr. Yerian appoints himself a spokesman for everyone. The fact is, Mr. Yerian, you don't "know right and wrong" any more than you know who is Pope.

"and by God will be by me, to scrutiny when appropriate."

Here, "scrutiny" means including insultinng priests on their own posts and "when appropriate" means whenever Jimmy Yerian decides, regardless of whatever sock-puppet account he's using today.

Unlike him, I have only one account on GTV and I don't disable the comments for my posts. I fear neither his infantile "scrutiny" nor an open discussion of this subject.