Mind Games with the Devil!

21 Exorcism tips from Holy Souls Hermitage – Mind Games with the Devil!

I don’t know how many exorcists I’ve known who take particular delight in dreaming up ways to outsmart the devil during an exorcism. Gentlemen: Cui bono? To what end? An increase of our own pride? Satan excels in pride. He will not be outdone. He will win, outsmarting you, playing stupid, playing defeated, playing: “Oh, you got me that time!”

Just when you think you’ve done him in, you’re defeated. And that doesn’t help the person you’re trying to help, does it? Nevertheless, there are those who have a “Lets go for two out of three!” mentality, and congratulate themselves that they are important for doing mind games with the devil.

So what if they lose sometimes? They’ll eventually win, right? They just cannot see how wrapped up in themselves they are. Satan can see this. He laughs.

Full article at the Holy Souls Hermitage