Bergoglio denies the dogma of Hell. —Again

Pope Francis denies that Hell is 'a place,' says it is 'a posture towards life' - LifeSite (

Bergoglio says there is no hell — again – Bp. Sanborn's Blog ( Bergoglio also denied the immortality of the soul, another dogma of the Catholic Faith. For he says that those who are evil are annihilated after death. This is yet another heresy to add to Bergoglio’s pile.
St. Alphonsus said: “If there is no hell, then there is no heaven.” Why is this so? Because both are grounded on the justice of God. As God rewards the merits of the just, so he punishes the demerits or sins of the unjust. Furthermore, hell is eternal, since the sinner, if he were one day released from hell, would have the final victory over God.

The Heresy of Hell as Self-Inflicted denies the attribute of God as Supreme Judge and denies Scripture.